The Bulgarian-German Vocational Training Centre State Enterprise (DP BGCPO) was established in July 2011. In DP BGCPO there are a Vocational Training Centre (VTC) and an Information and Vocational Guidance Centre (IVGC), both licensed by the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (NAVET), which have been established in the period 1993-2010 as the largest German investment in the field of adult vocational training in Bulgaria. Its mission is regulated in Rules of Procedure, adopted by the Council of Ministers DP BGCPO main public tasks are, in pursuant to the Employment Promotion Act (EPA), supporting the integration of unemployed from disadvantaged groups on the labour market, activation and vocational guidance of young people, developing/adapting curricula/learning materials, testing innovative practices and training of mentors, experts and trainers of adults. DP BGCPO is a pilot training institution in the framework of the adult vocational guidance and training system for transfer of good practices, positive experience and innovations in the field of training quality, attractiveness of adult learning process, linking training with business and placing emphasis on the practice - Article 60a, para. 3, item 2 of the EPA. DP BGCPO is licensed by the NAVET to provide training in 86 professions in different fields such as Automotive Engineering, Orthopaedic equipment, Audiovisual art and techniques, Electronics, Automation technology etc, leading to the acquisition of professional qualification or qualification in a part of profession. DP BGCPO is also registered with the National Employment Agency (NEA) as a training provider and works in close cooperation with the NEA and employers delivering vocational training of key competences, training and vocational guidance to about 2000 unemployed and employed per year. The main target group are the unemployed from disadvantaged groups on the labour market. Through training in the of DP BGCPO branches, they increase their employability, their ability to find a job and improve their lives.
In 2011-2020, in the five DP BGCPO branches:
- more than 15,000 unemployed have received vocational qualification under the National Action Plans for Employment (NAPEs),
- about one third of them have also received training in key competences – “Public and Civic Competencies”, “A Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship’”, “Digital Competence”;
- more than 1,200 unemployed and employed have been trained under the HRD OP schemes;
- more than 6,500 people participated in short-term courses and seminars at the request of individuals or employers;
- about 900 trainers - vocational school teachers, trainers in Vocational Training Centres and mentors in enterprises - have improved their methodological competence in adult training.
Beside that, DP BGCPO provides train-the-trainer courses for teachers in vocational schools and companies’ staff members responsible for mentoring apprentices as well. Training sessions are held to improve the methodological qualification of trainers of adults, including trainers in enterprises. The organisation provides also validation of knowledge, skills and competences.
For employers DP BGCPO offers:
- standard licensed courses with acquiring a vocational qualification degree or qualification in a part of a profession and key competences training.
- workshops tailor-made training courses for particular training requirements
- and for improving the qualification of staff on current topics DP BGCPO has well-equipped offices, conference and training facilities and a hostel to accommodate the participants in training courses.
DP BGCPO has been a member of the European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) since 1998 and won their innovative project award twice; 2015 (YOUNG CHANCE) and 2019 (FokusDual) for project involving young disadvanted learners at risk.