



Type of resource:

Manuals, curricula

Target group:

Workers with support needs, job trainers/coaches, managers


Year of initiation: 2021. European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD), The European Network of Social Integration Enterprises (ENSIE), Arbeit Plus, JKU - Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Lichtwerk, Fundacion ONCE, Fundacion Coremsa, RES - Réseau d’Entreprises Sociales, NASOR - National Association of the Socially Responsible Employers, Excellia, ACT group, Faculty of Law in Zagreb University, Fédérations française des Entreprises d'Insertion, AFPA, Rise Romania, ADV Fundatia Alaturi de Voi, MARGARITA vtc, EV ZIN, SENT, Cene Štupar, AIAS Bologna onlus, Idee In Rete, Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia, Samaritan Association of Latvia, De Omslag, ROC van Amsterdam, Stowarzyszenie Współpracy Regionalnej, Izba Rzemieślnicza Małej i Średniej Przedsiębiorczości w Katowicach, European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises, Scuola Centrale Formazione.               

Geographic coverage:

Austria, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, and Spain.

Pandemic relevance:


Level of education:


Education setting:


Digital tools involved:

Website https://www.bwiseproject.eu/




In progress

Competences aimed:

  • Accessibility: The project will identify the digital skill gaps currently experienced by the WISEs sector and develop a credible and sustainable plan to match demand (employees/employers) and supply (VET providers) of identified skills needs, while updating the transnational vocational training curricula according to the new needs of the labour market. This will contain accessibility options to create more inclusive workspaces through the utilization of technological solutions.
  • Digital skills: Aims to develop a European strategy to address the skills needs, in particular regarding digital skills, in the Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) sector.
  • Other skills: Employment skills related to digital support for better productivity, finding and maintaining employment by decreasing the digital gap.

Level of implementation:

  • Administrative: Development of a European Strategy to continue addressing the skills needs in the WISEs sector even after the end of the project.
  • Methodological: Blueprint, certifications and curricula for professional supporters and persons with disabilities
  • Learner’s

Pillars of importance:

  • Successful contribution to the implementation of UNCRPD: Article 9 – Accessibility,  Article 27 - Work and employment
  • Prospects: The new curricula will become a reality by testing them in 13 countries and validating them by national and EU central certification authorities


  • No

More information:

Full reference:

B-WISE project. Project. Retrieved June 16, 2022, from https://www.bwiseproject.eu/en/project