Digitale Wissenswerkstatt



NGO actions

Type of resource:


Target group:

Young adults between 15 and 21 years with psychological disorders, developmental delay or learning difficulties


In 2021, the organization FAB (Verein zur Förderung von Arbeit und Beschäftigung - Association for the Promotion of Work and Employment) launched the project "Digitale Wissenswerkstatt", which is a part of "Produktionsschule Villach". The latter is a project in which young adults (with psychological disorders, developmental delay or learning difficulties) are trained and prepared for the open labour market. In the module "digitale Wissenswerkstatt", the participants gain competences regarding digitalization and digital transformation of everyone´s daily life and of the labour market. The learning content is adequate to the learning ability of the young adults. During the lockdowns, the learners received worksheets (these were analog in the beginning and digital later). During the next lockdowns, there was use of digital tools, such as learning games and other applications (existing ones). The project is divided in six content-groups: Digital transformation, basics of digitalization, media competences, basic internet competences, internet methods expertise and internet social expertise.

Geographic coverage:


Pandemic relevance:


Level of education:


Education setting:


Digital tools involved:

Computers, smartphones





Competences aimed:

  • Digital skills: Digital transformation, basics of digitalization, media competences, basic internet competences, internet methods expertise
  • Social skills: Internet social expertise

Level of implementation:

  • Learner’s


  • Impact: According to the project leader, there has been positive feedback on behalf of the learners who participated. Overall, "Produktionsschule" was nominated and chosen as best-practice example in the frame of the EU InvestEU.
  • Innovation: The project demonstrates innovation in a local and regional level and is considered as beneficial within the organisation FAB. It is the only project within the organisation that follows a developed concept, since previous projects were all developed with trial-and-error approach. Before the project was implemented, a detailed concept and strategy on which learning outcomes are relevant and how the units can be structured were developed.
  • Prospects: The project is sustainable and scaling-up is possible. It tackles a very actual and prominent topic and although it addresses digital readiness for a special target group, this target group could be broadened.
  • Accessibility and inclusive education: Inclusive education requirements are fulfilled by means of the needs-based adaptation of the learning content, on the basis of the learning niveau of the learners. Appropriate tools are selected taking into consideration individual competences.


  • No

More information:

Full reference:

Telephone interview with project leader Tobias Raunigk, 27.04.2022